Readings by Gabriel Awuah Mainoo and Anne Green Munk – Dialogue with Africa

Mandag 14. oktober 2024
Kl. 17:00 - 18:00
Gratis entré
Arrangør: Aarhus Litteraturcenter og Løve's Bog- og Vincafé
Løve's Bog- og Vincafé
Nørregade 32
8000 Aarhus C

Hear Ghanaian author Gabriel Awuah Mainoo and Danish author Anne Green Munk read out lout from their poetic book of letters Wherever the sea spits you (2024).

The book revolves around the Danish-Ghanaian slave history and its imprints in modern time as well as being a part of a globalised world threatened by pollution, inequality, and climate change. With the book, the authors wish to create a dialogue across cultures and an understanding of different world views.

The event is a part of the African literature festival ‘Dialogue with Africa’. See the full festival programme at (click ‘Læs mere her’).